The chemical bag is free and easy to use.This app is an educational app designed for students and teachers to solve chemistry problems and act as an equation solver. The Chemical Briefcase app does not require internet connection. Chemical bag app is really useful and best app ever on app store.This chemistry bag app contains:1. Chemical equations balancer2. Molar mass calculator3. Atomic groups4. The periodic table5. SolubilityFeatures:1. Balancing chemical reactions and equations, enter an equation that is done quickly and is solved on the spot. It will balance chemical equations by providing you with the parameters of the equation you entered.2. Molar mass calculator, which will help in calculating the molar mass of a chemical compound consisting of a group of chemical elements.3. Our periodic table contains a huge amount of information about every chemical element and it displays the atomic, thermodynamic, electromagnetic and nuclear properties, material properties and reactivity of each element. List of element isotopes and their properties. An isotope is an atom of a chemical element that differs from another atom of the same element by its atomic weight. The items are divided into 10 categories: Nonmetals Noble gases (inert gases) Alkali metals • alkaline earth metals Metalloids (metalloids) Halogens • The semi-conductor • Transitional elements Lanthanides (lanthanides) Actinides (Actinoid)4. The solubility of salts, acids and bases, which is necessary to study chemistry, especially in school. Solubility is the ability of a substance to form homogeneous systems with other substances - solutions in which the substance remains in the form of individual atoms, ions, molecules or molecules. The solubility table is used to check the reaction conditions. Since sediment formation (non-return of the reaction) is one of the prerequisites for the reaction, a solubility schedule will help you verify whether a precipitate has formed and thus determine whether or not a reaction is taking place.5. Atomic groups The application contains the most important atomic groups6. No internet connection is required